Thursday, February 16, 2006 '

Jx 's birthday!
I think that day is so fun ! The 8 minutes fireworks is the best! Hopefully, next year i will be there again...Same place?...Will i still get such a good view?... poor jx ... get sa bo so many times :p i think he feel happy at the same time angry ba? Are u ?
That day is a long journey! Let alone, deciding what to eat for lunch take up so much of our time liao...and then the acrade... walk and walk to our destination! so many people and weather is hot! The first photo is taken at the merlion there, whereas the second one,it is taken at some steps( i dun know where is that place)
Thursday, February 09, 2006 '
Yeah! No more projects! but exams coming ... soBz
Tuesday, February 07, 2006 '

SEe the baby i carrying. Her name is Tian xin! so cute rite ! :p
dun look at that crazy zh at the back , making faces i think ?
Friday, February 03, 2006 '
So Fun at the "Playground"!
I think the playground is so identical to Escape ba! is it? but less scary i think hehe..It's so fun man! And then we also eat the Yu Sheng ! so nice and crispy! A pity i can't put the photos here yet :'( ! Can we go there again? :p