Contact 123 ... I'm so cold... although with my jacket on ...i am still Sian...ppl come find us to help them do tax but i also not very sure one :P...haiz...3.39 pm only...when can i go home?...:'(...sian sia...karen now busy...everything i can do using the internet i already done all...what else can i is so freezing cold here...somemore outside raining...:(...ppl outside talk and talk and noisy...come talk to mi lei! :P hehe sian...nothing better to do...haiz...coldz... |
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DAy to the Zoo!
This post is currently not completed! PLs wait patiently for the photos to be uploaded! Ty :P hehe
hmm...i enjoy myself very much that day ! The bad thing is that the weather is terrible, it is so hot! and the place stink too :p i think because of all the shits that belongs to the animals there! disgusting man! The toilets there is also different cos they are so open , open in the sense that ppl outside can see you when u are washing your hands but other than that the rest of course is behind the doors lah ! Dun think dirty k ? :P It is a pity that there is several places which are under renovations. SAd sia ...wE went for some shows done by the animals! I like the seals and elephants. They are too cute hence i can't resist not to like them .:P Can someone tell mi whether can i put videos at blog? The show on the seals one rite? mi and ps nearly got a shock cos we are sat next to a wooden box which is close but not lock...lucky we are not curious and that we nv open it! inside is a big snake...phew! :) CAn i say that we exercise a lot that day? But we eaten 3 meals that day and a slice of cake too ! U know what when i went home , i vomit :p really , i think i eat too much that day liao ! There is also one scary part when mi , diwei and ps went to the snake place. and the there is that place that is seal up and say go in and spot the animals yourself! These sentences makes the place looks scary! ps and dw keep on wan to go in but they hestiated when they reach the door , and mi , i wait for them outside but they nv go in until 2 guy came along and went in , we follow them in. hehe At first the 2 guy wan to come out but because we are behind them , they got no choice but to continue to walk to the end. We were scared because the branches are hanging very low , we scared there is snake on them. REaching the end , we see two monster .Actually these 2 monster are so tiny , i think they are only the size of our hand ba but because we are at the place of the snake and we thought there may be snakes that and so we are scared of these two tiny monster too :P Funny rite! Another place is the fragile forest which showcased all the insects. And then there is of course the trail that we get to walk through with all the butterflies flying about and birds , insect? , and a bat , i think bat is not it's name but i forgotten liao :p I think Singapore got how few places of attraction lei! Singapore so sian one ! :p
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