Monday, June 26, 2006 '

so cute rite! this is jie qi! he going 1 mth old this 29 june . he is so small as compare to mathew who is a big baby when born. so cute ! sunday we went to see him and whole day he is sleeping ! ppl carry him , he also dun care and sleep so soundly...when i carry him , he is so smaalll! i got a picture whereby he got open his eyes ! haha because mi and my sister keeps on disturb him and tell him to wake up ! :P
Saturday, June 24, 2006 '
my poor fish die a few minutes ago ! we manage to save it the first time it is stuck but second time , it is too late! haiz...
haiz 11 plus liao! today i so fed up with someone! keep on asking mi what to write for law article! the project specification have everything and yet she still asking mi ! any way , ever since we were told of the project, she should also know wat to do ! we had so many meeting and today she still can ask mi ! I think this is the only time she is doing something! haiz ask mi things like wat surprising thing to write ? is about the lectures we had or the article? i really got the urge to tell her to go read the specification lah and dun bother mi! and then she also ask mi which words is difficult and can be put in glossary ! you know wat kind of words she think is difficult ! omg you will surely be angry too ! And then she know how to send the email with the summary , she can tell mi she dun know how to send to rachel mail ! isn't it the same way! Just because she need to go work , she tell mi to go find the article again ! i am not going to do for her ! i think it will be a gd idea why not i do the summary for the article then she dun have to go through all the trouble of asking and replying her! i fed up until i dun wan to reply her sms ! i just dun care ! Why they can have this kind of benefits ! Project work mean all members do together ma ! we doing the work , she get the marks only ar ! Where got this kind of thing! if year 1 she is like that , ok understandable , she is still new ! but now year 2 liao ! why i so bad luck one ! Haiz...
Sunday, June 18, 2006 '
Haiz , actually i today wanto source for articles for law but the research gateway keeps on got errors, sian sia then i go do my psycho quiz, i thought i won't score well but the result shock mi and i am so happy. first time i got full marks :') haiz need to get back to homeworks liao ...
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 '
I have just upload some videos taken at chalets and birthdays and so on, on you ...just need to find mi , my user is qiwei ok ?
Annoucement! can no longer be used ! New one is ! pls source yours songs from there :) TY
Saturday, June 10, 2006 '
today i spent hrs watching the show, Green Forest my home for you tube... loading waste a lot of my time then after that play maple but i still can't lvl today..and then my parents go chinatown and come back with Green forest VCD , i am so shock liao. my mami say my papa wan to buy one funny we nv say to ask him to buy lor ... this is not the one time liao :p he always take our words very seriously and i only told him , this show nice and ask him to watch then tonight he came home with the VCD yo he always like to waste money one...then he say he see us watch using the computer like so troublesome and the screen so small how to see ! but You tube is free lor !
Friday, June 02, 2006 '
Will She find her prince and her knight?Zi yao xiang xing jiu hui kan dao xing fu lu guang !
Thursday, June 01, 2006 '
Celebrating of ZH's Birthday/ Pariss International buffet
WE skip lecture again :P again is law haha ...we went to catch the movie X-men
i dun think it is very nice ...fur ball is so cute ! he is not small but he is huge , blue man/beast cute when the guy( i dun know his name, the guy who got claws like a cat and he is able to heal himself when injured) always call the blue big guy , fur ball ! haha ... and then the ending sux lor the powerful lady is killed so easily lor ! and then there is this bad guy who is so strong and uses his head to bang the wall funny when he follow the gal who can walk trough walls easily and he is trick haha ...
I strongly feel that the buffet at Pariss international sux! :p i dun like the food and they dun taste very nice... i still prefer that time , Mr lee brings us to the buffet at aa hotel at orchand...
The seafood is not very fresh...then i eat half of the raw oyster , i wan to vomit , really not nice...i think the dried food and food where we have to order is better , like chicken chop, satay, fish and so on . Desserts also not nice lor haiz we waste our money there lor

This is zh's birthday cake !

This is zh's punishment ! is it hot?

Wat is this 4 people doing? haha