Tuesday, March 20, 2007 '
lst day at work!
SIA de security damm strict lor ! first i need go airline hse exchange my i/c for a pass to go in then take the same bus in ..again at the north gate need to scan bag de lor O.O haiz and then i can't straight go in YET ! i have to wait for someone to escort mi in lor ! hopefully tml dun have to le ! cos i dun know ask who to escort mi lor ...then i reach early and then wait lor...then call jeanettee to bring mi in , i and another malay gal wait from 830 - 900 then go in to the waiting area , then she come then walk very far and then go to HR department and write some particulars and then wait again! i around 945 then is bring to the finance department ! so scary lor ! my in-charge intro mi to all the perm staffs ! omg so scary lor! and then my work in the morning is to type documents into excel lor ! alot lor ! for 3 mths de ! then the perm staffs know my in-charge in and out lor ! about 1230pm they ask mi to take wallet and go break ! this is wat they say lor : official hrs for break claim by HR is 1 pm to 145 pm but our break is from 1230 to 215 pm like that cos they say the in-charge 230 then will come back lor ! lol then rest until 230 then start work again...haiz after break my job is to fold boxes and transfer invoices from the files to the boxes ...haiz so sian lor ! then i do until 415 like that ...then my teacher ( laytin) ask mi to change the dates in the software, SAP. this software is similar to accpac but it is written by germans whereas accpac is british, accpac is more user friendly lor ! then SAP uses terms like billing, assignment , recharge ...when u see this terms should dun understand de...especically assignment , it actually stand for intials that is use to represents the company name lor! like eg cvss, tp ...and then billing stands for AP lor ! O.o recharge i think is accrual ! the last part of the day i more happy cos i get to learn how to use SAP a bit but it is very general only...then i get to know a senior who is also from tp , A&F lor ! she say see meng get GF de lor ! omg ! then she is part time studying ACCA , she say if full time can about 2 yrs can complete le :) but will be a bit stress! and part time not bad also , can earn money and study...
Wednesday, March 14, 2007 '
:( sobz no jobs! today went for facial only $18 promo at Kovan.it is gd and relaxing except the extracting part O.o they are sneezing my pimple lor so painful lor ! got cleansing, got removing of your dead skin , got stream , got mask and the extracting part! sobz no money le cos we sign up for the 12 session package shared between sm, karen and mi lor ! total $5oo, 1 person $166.66 but mi and karen say no money so we pay $116.66 first lor ! i dun wan to sign de ! why sm is not the kind who will say no de :'( then go see doctor, the doctor like very hurry lor ! ask mi where is sick then i ans then he check my thoat, temperature and heartbeat then can go le ! so fast and efficient sia ! then i went to smgo de contact len shop and get $120 only for 6mth lor so cheap as compared to my sis , she go back to the tampines one and get 7 mth contact for $160 ! lol she must be damm angry ! cos i told her to wait for mi cosi wan go sm that shop see ma she dun wan de ! then the uncle very gd and professical , check this check that , he wants it to be very accurate and so it takes very long for uncle to check finish !
*i wan a job! *
Saturday, March 10, 2007 '
Thur, mi, sop, pf,mabel,brenda went for movie .we actually wan to see the man tu de but no slots lor then we change to ghost rider..it is nicez..there is a part whereby there is a lot of whispers at the right hand side ..i thought it was sop talking then i turn to look at her and she say not her..then i look to mabel , i think mabel thought it was mi who is talking...the whisperings is so irritating lor...that day dun feel like eating, i was like wasting food, but gd thing is my stomach not so big le :P
Fri, we (mi, sop, mabel, brenda, swee mei) went to ps and buy DIY stuffs...sop and swee mei spent the most ba , about $50 +, Lunch is Mos burger and then sm keeps wanting to eat cheesecake but we went for ice cream, mine was nicez but sm got a sour strawberry and she eat half way and throw it again...Sm eat a lot lor then she hungry and order pepper lunch at exchange...after that i went to amk and some go hm , some go else where...amk hub is big but the thinner smell sux...i wan to buy alot of stuffs from body shop but all $20 + , exp lor haiz must wait till i get a job then can buy! then we walk around until i hungry le, karen still haven come lor ! dinner is very nicez, i order set c which is stringray + sotong + rice = $6 , eve order the same, mei and zh set a (string ray only ,$3.80) , karen sotong only. It is very nicez and then my thoat gets worse :( then we went back to hub and go to fairprice, it is very big, it is similar to carrefour and giant lor, then after that we went to buy durian pancake and wait very long for it
Sat, going to the uncle ringo with sop, brenda, mabel, swee mei and huiling..i was like i seeing sop, mabel and brenda for 6 days le ! O.O ...hopefully i dun scream too much cos my throat is not in gd condition, i nearly eat an expiry for a year de sweet for throat lor lucky i got see...to be continue after i come back from ringo...OMG i spent $17.50 for 2 rides lor ! so exp ! i dun think i am going there again ! got one is vertical de for 4 ppl one , i didn't go up , sop, hl, brenda and mabel go up omg it was very fast lor ! lucky not enough seats le and it is 4 tokens which mean more challenging and scary! my first game is the challenger ! omg also 4 token lor , mi , sop and mabel play , then it swing left and right and it will spin also , and then the pressure is very strong and it is going very fast when u are all the top and then swing downwards , i nearly sprain my neck...then i dun know the name of the second one, something rider, with all the seat hanging , that one only 3 token and it just spins only...mabel and sop so brave, they both try the 2 4 tokens de games...then swee mei play the ball game that is to throw the balls into the holes and waste her $5 without getting any toys, she is damn sad ba whereas brenda play another game that is to roll the balls into slots with no. and she get a small toy...
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 '

5-7 mar
got a chalet with my poly friends! wow they really damn crazy especically swee mei :P she is like dancing, running and jumping around all the time ! especically when we playing the uno stacko, she is like scaring ppl when it comes to very high songs lol then if it fall, the person will be beat like mad by the rest lor ! it is pain lor ! everyday, we play until 3 or 4 plus then can sleep lor O.o! so tired ...first night we play a game that u will have a card stick to your forehead, the card will write something u should not do , if u do it u will be beaten up again ! i was telling pf if there is a card that say , sing song ,the person sure the do it de cos everyone is singing and :( then it's mi lor ! so bad luck i got the card! then we had the treasure hunt and then mabel will get her surprise and i also manage to catch the shocking moment that mabel had on video, that was the moment when she remove the blind f and everyone started spraying the snow on her omg it is a must see ! haha i will be putting it on youtube so pls add mi as friend to view it or save it , my id is qiwei i almost forgot, when we were playing the game that we can't say or do the items on the paper , mabel's one is to keep quiet haha then brenda say:"u MUST reply mi !" actually she is trying to say dont reply her , then brenda ask mabel , u get a leg with sam ? then mabel reply no and then because we were like omg she reply ! and then she change her mind and say yes ! lol she admitted ! lol O.o it is a pity i didn't film it down if not it will be a impt evidence le then the 2nd night we watch SHE concert at HK , the fans even get to see SHE very close to them lor !it was like an arm away only ! not like singapore so sux..SHE even cry lor, HK fans is so on de and they are very loud but HK only get Tank as the special guest but we got FLH and Stephanie sun...we were like singing all the way and throat is not feeling so gd lor! this chalet is so fun...is because the game masters(pf and sm) organise them well...for the pictures rite, if u see mi online , can ask mi to send to u de cos i can't send through email ty :)
Saturday, March 03, 2007 '
Friday, we all went cycling lor ! So sux de ! its rain and we were so wet and stupid mosquitoes keeps attacking mi! we shouldn't have go cycling , we should have go somewhere else ...it is so sux then they cycle so fast and left mi behind , i feel so terrible ...it is like i go with frenz and yet i am alone...and my legs hurts... after that we meet again and eat mac then go karen's hse play mahjong...something happen , karen win the most when she always insist not she then in the end she is the one ...haiz because she always nv count and can see de ma, got a lot of tokens should be winning le ! then play poker , mei damm funny...in the end i still lose but nvm chinese new year is ending le phew...can't wait for chalet ! :)