Last Week
a very busy week cos my grandmother passed away... that was monday night, my uncle called at around 7 plus and ask mi to tell mami that he is bring ah ma to the hospital. So i pass the msg .. i thought ah ma is going hospital for regular checkup only ... worse come worse , doctor will only ask her to stay over for a few days for additional check ... my mami also thought the same ... last week, sat just saw her and she looks fine...
Then my mami called mi at 9 plus , saying ah ma is in serious condition... she is going to hospital straight away ... after i finish what i am required to do ..i ask my sis to call if we can go down to hospital ... my mami said ah ma's brain is dead but her heart is still beating... :'(
we went down ... and stay there for a few hours ...mami say she is waiting for everybody to come see her then she will go ... i think its true ...cos ah ma bring up mi , my sis and two other cousin and take care of us ... i and my sis are there ..whereas the other 2 can't come cos they got sch tml and their mami dun allow... when ah mi told ah ma that they got sch and exam so they can't come ...ah ma got respond to it lor ... not using words but sound .. cos once brain is dead , the person can't speak and their eyes can't move aready... she left us at 8.25 am , tue
For the rest of the week, very busy ...
wake up in the morning around 9 am , study till 5 pm , then go ah ma there and stay till 1 plus
this is my routine for the 3 days (wed to fri)
Sat , morning 7 plus to 12 plus go help my father then after that then go my ah ma there...
then got the ceremony going on at night ... we have to bring ah ma to cross the bridge ... mami say from tue till today , ah ma still dun know she dead so we need to bring ah ma cross the bridge then she will wash her face in the basin then she will know...
damm angry with my big ku's wife ( sorri huanyu pin yi not good) she is ah ma's biggest son 's wife ... u know wat she do ! everybody is ask to wear white socks and no shoes ! and then she was not wearing the socks and she is wearing shoes lor ! and then because she is ah ma's biggest son 's wife , she is rank b4 ah ma's daughters lor ... the ranking was like all son in front , then follow by their wife then their children then all daughters then their husbands then children lor... there is a lot of work she need to do and she is not doing ..she passed all the work to my aunty ! how can ! on sunday, also , everybody has to wear white shirt and she is wearing black ...and she is in this family , she should help out in serving the ppl who came ! but all the time , she is just sitting there and asking others to serve her food! she is so bull shit ! stay over for the night...
Sun , is the last day... damm tired on sun ...reach home at 6 pm , then i went sleep until next moning 9 then wake up lor ...lucky tax test is still consider managable ..if not i sure die de ...morning then i study + last fri which is 2 days ago ...alot of things dun remember le lor..
Monday, all son and daughter went to collect ah ma's ashes and put it in the temple... funny thing happen. ah ku lost his shoes lor ..serve him right! lol ... o.O
funny is that , at the temple no need to take off shoes ma how did he lost his shoes ?
mami say ah ma take it away de ! :)
* all sister don't like her lor !
Tue, went temple to see ah ma cos is the 7 days le .. my ah mi say she dream of ah mi ..this is her dream : ah mi was walking in a unfamiliar place, she walk and she walk , ah mi know she lost her way then suddenly she saw ah ma ... then she wake up le ...
then i ask , how ah ma looks like ? can she walk ?
Ah mi says : she looks like 2 years ago when she is still chubby and able to walk ...
then at night , i think in the bus , mami tell ah mi to go check her rice bucket whether there is a hand or something .. ah mi check and say got ... ah ma really go ah mi's hse on monday night ...
Wed , CRA sux! the paper can really killed us lor ! i thought maybe got a bit of chance of getting a Z .... but now can forget about it le ! if still got an A , consider very lucky le lor ! :(
Thur, AA also sux but CRA is more worst ...
Fri , last paper tml ... lol i still blogging lor and i still haven finish studying ! oops ! hopefully tml paper is not so hard! : )
Sick of my PC com ! so sux ! i wan to watch live of zhong ji yi jia ! the live is so clear as compared to youtube ! dun know wat happen when i try to load the show can see a few mins and then it's gone and wat appear is a black page with blue words and says if errors continue , pls do the follow ; restart then F8 then change to safe mode . but does not solve it lor ! i try 4 times , same thing happen :( sick ! no choice lor ! have to watch in youtube ..
damm funny ! there was a part where the girl transform after the sticker is removed ! lol ! so fantasy ! :D and also the part that they has to wake their father from the coffin ..they were like crying as if their father is gone ! lol ! love them so much ! great show !
so boring now! no show to watch ... :(

yesterday went to pS to celebrate raney's birthday ! birthday should sing birthday song rite ! but they were singing national day song! lol and bought a cake with a singapore flag on it and a sunflower ! of course in the end still got sing birthday song!
they are so competitive in their ball game in the arcade.. cos they wanted to win and get the highest score among them .. congrat to zh and raney being the highest, 380 plus ! . they play super long !
then comes the search of a diamond from dw's earring was like the whole group of 9 searching on the floor for the small black diamond.. and search twice lor ! others may think this group of ppl is crazy ba ! and ps manage to find it twice ! best eye sight among us
Just bought a Laptop. Brand is Fujitsu ... I thought fujitsu only produces air-con :P
We actually got 2 choices, one is HP which cost $1499 and Fujitsu which is $2428 (both exclusive of GST) . Then we compare the functions and prefer the Fujitsu and think its better...cos we can rotate the screen and there is a fingerprint sensor and also a pen that u can use it to navigate or write! o.o haha no need to memorise the password ! so gd but its heavy sia
The Hp laptop is available to all tertiary students at Courts. if anyone is interested, can go court and take a look. i not sure when the promotion will ends.
so we both decide to buy it at the Nus fair.. my father got object to us of buying it now.. and does not seem keen on paying for it... so we thought of spliting the cost, we each pay half of it...but somehow we realise each day u are only allow to net , a max of $2000...then need to bring we get a cheque from my father and my sis nets the rest...
these few days cant really use the laptop cos no wireless and my PC is still working fine ... just register for the singnet ,
wireless@sg so tml should be able to use it.. Funny lor , the wireless is actually free lor ! O.O i always thought singtel is always hungry for money de! charging us for this and that ! Opps :P
Anybody got pics to wash ? wanna join with mi ? cos 100 pic will be cheaper :PFriday went to CS first , to take neoprints ! wow imagine 11 ppl taking the neoprints! really have to find big machines to do that ! the first one is ok cos big and everyone got a place to sit ! but as for the second one O.o . it had 3 camera , one at the bottom , 2 at the middle , targeting different angles . the time we got to react to the different camera was very messy and tiring lor ..but the pics taken still not bad :)
then went to bugis for dinner hungry lor ! then we went searching for steamboat but in the end we went to the japanese resturant..the price is cheaper and the foods they have is so similar to waruku... everybody order the set meal , only me didn't , i order 2 sides , the hawalian chicken is so nice..and the letture with egg and mayo on it...opps i forgot that phy is sat beside mi when i asking about the cake :P hehe we still order desserts , nice but portion too small for $5 plus lor ...the red bean is so nice! i actually dun like bean does not matter it is green or red! but the red bean dessert is really nice...the bean are big and sweet..yummy then they still bought the apple strudel...the apple not nice , maybe because not very fresh, and the custard cream is so little only... miss the one that uncle bought it back from overseas :(
i eaten alot that night and thought i will gain a kg or 2 . lucky never ! phew :)