Sunday, September 30, 2007 '
1) Colours : Black, pink, purple
2) Food : anything yummy :)
3) Song : SHE ( if only 1) , anything sweet , nice and meaningful , i will like de
4) Day of the week : friday (weekend is coming )
1) Mood : bad
2) Taste : numb to taste now
3) Clothes : t- shirt and shorts
4) time : 835 pm
5) Surroundings : noisy cos of charity show
6) Thoughts : i miss Dw's guys ! hope that they will really enjoy their holiday and tell me stories about wat they encounter there.. i think they sure will tell mi about it de !
1) Best Frenz : Hmm, i dun know who is the first one lei
2) Crush : primary sch
3) Movie : hmm, i think is titantic with my mami and sis at hougang plaza there de
4) Lie : none i think
5) Music : is it our national athem ? O.O
LAST so far
1) Drink : plain water
2) Car ride : i dun know is it a sport car or not but the top of the car can open de and it can sit ppl but the 2 ppl at the back must be very slim then can
3) Movie : 881
4) Call : Sm lor
1) Dated ur best frenz gal : nope
2) Broke the law: nope
3) Been on tv : nope
4) Kissed sum1 u dont know : ya in orientation games lor ! no choice
5 things you are wearing now..
1) T-shirt
3) garments
4) my hair pin
5)my glasses
4 things you have done today
1) complete my task to buy a huge birthday card and stickers
2) bought another shoes
3) had a very full meal at ichiban and ice cream
4) looking at other's ppl blog
3 things you can hear right now
1) charity show's songs
2) nothing else
3) ...
2 things wanna do now
1) sleep
2) and only sleep
1 thing you will do when you are bored
1)watch tv ( can be taiwan drama using com or local shows)
i didnt wan to tag anybody ! feel free to write if you wanted to :)
My Result for the personality test :
Get to know yourself better
Your view on yourself:Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:You are a true romantic. When you are in
love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on educationEducation is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.
The right job for you:You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
What are you most afraid of:You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
I can only say it is damm true !
Sunday, September 16, 2007 '
Haiz my stomach is not so gd this few days... this morning only i diarrhoea 3 times le lor ! Sux!
yesterday went shopping with Sm also suffered pains a few times ...
mami give mi some thing to drink : u know the soup in the porridge plus salt ! Eeeee....
Saturday, September 15, 2007 '
Yesterday, when mom came back , she ask whether i know about the fire ?i was like : wat fire ? i only know got the earthquake ma !
i thought the earthquake is the big story for news these few days lor ...
i take a while then i know it happen at hougang , the shophouses there ... and 2 sibling die .. they are like very innocent lor ! and lost their lives because of the shop house ppl who didn't bring all their stuffs in the shop ...
Friday, September 14, 2007 '
Sorri i now then post for the 3 days in SIP.
Day 1 : 12/09
Haiz birthday still need to go work ! not that i dun like working but i dun like to be very free... of course first day, i dun know anything at all ... we went to HR and wait ! it is only 9 plus when someone came and ask whether are we the 2 girl to tax . then that person say didn't u see in the contract that it says go to lvl 17 ...i was like ya i saw it but we were given info. by our LO to go to the HR dep. .. she start saying a lot of stuffs about the company , and i am not really interest :P ... so i try to maintain eye contact with her but whatever she says just go in and out again ... then we went to lvl 18 , the department we will be in ... we were first bring to my manager , and she also starts talking ..she talks a lot too ... then Lilian went to her team .. she is in team A , i am in B ... getting my seat ! Fengshui not good cos everybody will have to walk pass mi to get to the toliet or the pantry..haiz ... boring... were intro to one of my senior , she is jia min another one will only come in the afternoon ... jia min pass mi a file to read so i read lor ... the whole morning i am reading lor ... then afternoon another senior came , he is yang cheng.. he started intro some website to me and show mi some place to get stationary , the photocopy machine and so on ... he is like want to tell mi how to do it but he only touch a bit of it and then end with : u will know how to use when u start doing it ! it can wait ! so i only bits of here and there ... and wow the ppl i interact with , speaks so well even though some of them may not be singaporean ...
After work , went bugis to meet jane for dinner... and we went Ajitei ...damm full... we order 3 dishes and 2 desserts ...nicez ... then jane wanted to buy a drink and send it to her frenz who work nearby... i thought it is near and a while only ...i didn't know ...
it is a very long walk ! from bugis to the place ... it is very near to a place where got ppl selling their very very old stuff de ... so went into her frenz's office ... along the way she told mi her frenz is doing lifescience and marketing stuff ...i was like ohh ok ... thinking i am not going to buy anything de ... so reach there and her frenz start talking ...
tell mi some stuffs about health! the content of the conversion was like she started talking about 3 factors : exercise, food and sleep! then she went one talk using the articles in her files ... i was like ok she is trying to sell mi some thing ! then she go on using cases of ppl buying their stuffs and after that show mi one of her product .. she ask mi how is it ? i was like : hmm ok ! (i really didn't want to wear) actually i have a lot of qns !
if their product is so good , why would they have their office at such a wo lu place !
if it is really so gd , why it is not availble in the shopping malls! cos she says they receive a lot of cert. and hospitals are using them!
LATER then i know from jane , she is actuall not selling her products but wanting mi to join her join in selling the products.. she start saying that having a degree is not as good as having gd communication skills ! and that if i join them , part time , i can learn the comm. skills and got pay at the same time ! and she keeps saying join us if u wan the $ and wan to learn ... i was like : of course , anyone would wan to learn but this is not wat i like to learn lor ... so she ask to go her 1 1/2 hr next day to let her tell mi about the job !
of course i didn't wan to go... because of her , i reach hm at 11 lor so late ... i was like damm tired...sux lor
Day 2: 13/09
second day , i thought my seniors will have stuffs for mi .. so i went find each at a time ... i realise a common phase they use : hmm at the moment, i dun have anything . if i have anything , then i will go to u !
haiz... gd thing cos they got a software to chat ... so i would just type to my senior ..sorri to bother u , do u have any thing for mi ? :)
he would like reply : hehe hmm .. nothing at the moment
thus i also slack day 2 ... i got tasks like reserving file then collecting them ..funny thing happen cos when u reserve files rite , u will receive a mail that "file reserve" and then after some time then u will receive a mail that say "pls collect your file " so i go collect but i dun have my card yet.. the guy ask mi to get from my senior so i go get... after collection, i went back to my desk , i receive mail saying "files are unreserved" i was like: "huh ? i just collected and now it says it is unreserved ! Wat the ... " then i send my qns to jia min about the files ... she ask did i click unreserved but i didn't lor ... she told mi to find the guy after lunch ...
so after lunch i went to find him of course then he say cos it is reserved under your name but u use your senior's card so i have to unreserved u , and transfer to your senior ! oh chey ! i thought i do something wrong lor ... then after a few hrs , i go back to collect again .. he start cracking a joke on the unreserved thing lor ! :/
then i do some drafting of letter and email ... i was like : huh ? how ? nobody thought mi how to write? ...but senior give mi templates and told mi to change the items revalent ... ya i go do it ... and send back to my senior ... and it return to mi with a lot of errors :P like the source , the contacts no. of the staffs ... those i really dun know de ...
next task is to call IRAS for extension... i was damm scared lor ... what if they ask mi something i dun know ...
ya it started with all the directing lor ... press 1 for ... press 2 for ...
AI YO ! i press for quite a while b4 reaching the person ...
next work is filing ! the file got individual correspondence, NA, Final tax return, working papers and permanent notes ...i was like : i dun really know how to file lor ! i didn't know wat to put in each of them ..i got files with mi but the documents i have , doesnot exist in the sample files lor ... my head is going to burst ! when i couldn't stand it , i send another chat msg to ask my senior and so she also briefly told mi and it does help ...that all for day 2
u may ask : what i do with the rest of my time ?
find something to read lor since i got the personal tax file ...draft my reflections...check my lotus notes my i power or chat with lilian or just keep yourself busy
why did i try to find something ? cos in my last sem part time , i always finish the work given quite fast and so when i am done , i will got find my supervisor for stuffs to do... but end up , she also got nothing for mi gd times, may get some work from other ppl ..but most of the time is bad de .. so there is a lot of times, my supervisor will chat with mi ..
so she will say in this office world , u must learn how to keep yourself busy even though u really got nothing to do . cos if u always like day dream or walk around to the toliet too often , the boss may saw it and may not have a gd impression of u ... so i learnt that ... if u look around , u actually see ppl doing stuffs and yet these stuffs are like playing games, chating, surfing the net ... these are very common de ..
After work , went home tired because of wed ..i am used to sleep early at 10 plus and that day i 12 plus then sleep cos after bathing aready 11 plus le then need to wait for hair to dry ... i dun like to use the hair dryer de .. it will make your hair very dry cos all the water has been blown away by your hair dryer
Day 3 : 14/09
Haiz... Slacking again but i contiune to write my notes on the new tax concepts in the senior is on leave ..thought still got the other senior turn out she also not here today...
840 like that , walk to her desk to find her ... she is not there
9 plus, went again and she is still not here .. then i build up my courage to go find my manager and she told mi to wait for her to come and she also check that she didn't take leave i wait... while waiting , i was chating with HL and reading and doing my notes again ...
every 15-20 mins, i went over to her desk but she still wasn't here...
thus my task for the morning is to go my senior to check is she here or not and checking her status on the chatroom ...
finally, around 10 30 , get a task of doing a tables for a few assigness with the dates and then she say draft the email ... and i am blur again i do the table then attach the file and write a short msg and send back ... after that then i wonder : hmm draft email is like that one meh ! isit like the email which i drafted yesterday ?
so since i am free and i cant found qinghai who given mi the work... so i draft a new mail ...
Dear someone,
The file attached below contain infos about ... of the following assignee:
Please did not hestitate to contact so and so on this no.
the name that i do this mail for
Department info
then i do le, i save it ... and then contiune reading cos that time is only going to 12 but i have to wait till 1 to have lunch with Pf :) so read lor !
wow , pf is so gd lor ! she wear very informal lor ! not like us ! she wear a V neck , long sleeve..
if i can also wear that , i dun have to worry about having no clothes to wear le lor !
alot of ppl wear jeans lor ! y HR say cannot de lor haiz!
TO BE CONTINUE tml ....:) tired le .. wan watch tv ...
Continue of day 3 ...after lunch break
i went to find qinghai about the mail and then she told mi to do it the way above ...
and then she pass mi other stuffs to do ... printing the final tax return and photocoping
i take very long to do it lor ! :P then i very stupid lor ! their printer is the same as sch de lor and i need to print on beige paper , i should have manually do it but i didn't ... i keeps opening the drawer to place all the white papers de place lor ! so stupid lor !
after the printing and photocopy, she told mi wat are the document to stamp either copy , a hand and client's copy on it so i stamp lor .. then she talk very fast .. and i can't catch wat she says now ...haiz... and then patrick pass mi some stuffs to print and file them so i do them lor ..
Tuesday, September 11, 2007 '
A very tired day of Shopping !
me and sm , we went to ang mo kio hub ... a great to buy office wear lor ... cos got a lot of shops that sells office wear ranging from $20 plus to $70 plus ... $50 - $70 plus is at verge ! damm exp ! who will buy !O.o $20 plus office wear can get from pepper plus ... then the rest is about $30 plus tp $40 plus de ...
we buy a lot of stuffs lor ! i bought 2 blouse , 2 skirt, 1 cardigan and 1 pant . total i spent about $180 plus ... as for sm , she bought a lot more stuff than mi ... she bought 2 cardigan, 2 skirt, 4 blouse, a dress, a pant and shoes ... wow alot rite ...
its was like a membership day for us ! we get pepper plus and Bega shop membership ...cos we spent over $120 at pepper plus and $200 plus at bega...(both of us together ok !) we wanted to get charles and keith member also but the shoes not very nice lor ! sm still bought her shoes there ...
No surprises during the launch of SIP . cos i aready know last week ...
then went tm for lunch ! when we were leaving , saw englee . she pro sia , bought a bag , a very formal bag ! we thought isetan may got other good bags so we went also but quite disappointed .. all very formal bag .. i didn't wan a formal bag .. but a bag that can bring sch won't like waste money ..
then went charles and keith .. mi and sm want the membership we were like looking around for shoes we want to buy .. i got 2 in mind but both are casual de ... one $23.90, the other $18.90... still got a long way to $120 per reciept ... anybody wan buy ? currently got 50% off but dun know when end .. and not all shoes 50% lor ! bluff ppl de lor !
then went to take mRT to raffles place ... lucky raffles place got Mr bean . can buy breadfast there :) pf 's office is so near to the mrt , about 10 mins walk only .. then saw the e & y ppls building also , their are so convenient lor ! HS one also very nearby only ! after we found pf's building , we were like walking to the next mrt station .. pf so good lor , she can just cross overthe road , got the old market le , then walk further down , the left hand side , full of resturants .. then the right hand side also resturants but more high class de ...
then meet the rest at MRT to go kovan !
O.O know wat happen ! we reach kovan station and then need to walk quite a distance to the G2000 shop and then we reach there and it is not open lor ! i wan walking in the front and wondering why the shop black black de ! haiz not open lor ! only open from tue to sat !
and then we walk back , everybody were damm tired ! so everybody went home ... that is the end of monday
Saturday, September 08, 2007 '
mi, karen , sm and hl , we went to paya lebar , This Fashion . Sm was like choose a basket full of clothes to try ! she went in to try for a few rounds cos one time can only take 5 clothes ma ! we try a lot of clothes but turn out only bought one each . Hl didn't buy anything . cos like not worth the money. and funny thing is that sm didn't bought one of the clothes that she try on which is in her basket lor but bought the same blouse as mi. karen also take a few that she like the most and then disqualify them when we say not worth it and also end up buying one dress also !
and then went to KFC for dinner ! and then went coffee bean for a drink to wait for time to pass cos we want to take cab and that time is peak ma ! :P
Got the hair expert, beijing 101 show at chn 8 , 9 pm
- they say a good comb is that the teeth of the comb must be round shaped cannot be pointed ones .
- combing your hair a 100 times is not true
they still got say a few more but some info i didn't catch it thus didn't write . so catch it next week for some tips for your hair . they also got give a herb recipe to prevent hair loss also.
Gucci ,(dog) so cute ! it is so big and huggable! it must be very nice to hug :)
Friday, September 07, 2007 '
had 2 donuts for breadfast ! i use the toaster to heat it for less a min ..the chocolate on the surface melted and the outer surface was so crispy ... :)
and then for lunch , mami cooked soup for me ! :)
i started to miss the soup my ah ma always cooks! it is always the BEST !
it been 2 years aready that ah ma no longer is able to cook cos she fall down and break her leg ...ever since then she is lying in bed... in the beginning i was so scared that she may leave us anytime and i didnt want her to leave ...and then everytime go visit her , she was like getting thinner each time ..i know she is suffering ...
now that she went to another place ! i really hope she will be happy and had found ah gong... and that she is able to do cooking which she always like to do
Went to subway for lunch ! then went for the movie ; Ratatouille . damm nicez and the food that the rat cook , looks really nice lor ! a funny part is when the whole rat gang came over to help the Linguini ( lol , the name of a type of pasta ) , and the rat actually think of cleaning them up by streaming i think !
another new movie ; enchanted ! i can't wait for that ! it is like a dreamz came true ! a fairytale which actually enter our world through a drain ! got a princess , a prince searching for her and a witch of course !
went for streamboat at marine bay ! its nice and damm full lor ! then when we leaving, we saw raney ! and then we all start teasing HL saying she is the sunny ! :P
then went to raffles place , bought donuts ! they are so nicez! sweet ! CHOCOLATE ! :) then went starbucks , bought some drinks ! the cashier damm attitude lor !
next station is esplanade, we sit and talk and eat the donuts ! they start planning for lantern festival ! i wan cycling but a lot of objections haiz ...
everybody went home at about 1040 plus and then the 3 of us try to get a cab ! it was like no cab wanted to take us lor ! their green light is on and yet they drive very fast lor ! and then we walk till raffles place lor and wait at the taxi stand at the swiss hotel ! damm ! also no cab ! the queue is so long and then ppl behind us , keep calling cab so they got their cab eariler than us ! and then stupid cab hotline ! keeps saying pls hold on to the call ! the line is currently busy ! bull shit lor ! Finally got our cab at 11 25 like that ! the taxi uncle damm blur de lor ! somemore still got accident near the entrance of the expressway ! thus jam ! i thought we will be in the jam for quite a while and thought the $30 may not be enough lor ! we thought a terribly accident happen cos we first saw the cover of the engine part at the side of the expressway ! the finally we saw that the whole car is still in one piece only that the front part of the car a bit spoil that all ! after that is a smooth traffic ! phew ...
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 '

haiz HL told mi that LiLian also go tax ! i was like OMG ! why her? why not liting ! i think these 3 mths going to be hell for mi ba ... pray there is someone else !
play 終極online ! damm fun ! just like bomberman lor ! many mini ppl chasing each other ! :P
why parents always say something cannot and yet they still do ?

they still bought a cake for both of us lor ! thought cant celebrate lor ? O.o
the cake is very nice cos got a lot of cream ;p
Saturday, September 01, 2007 '
haiz i think i going to fail my bTM lor ! :( pray just give mi a pass can le , i dun wan to take sup paper ... then receive a call from PWC :) i thought i no hope in getting in le ... and then receive the contract ! O.o omg , a whole booklets of dun know wat independence ..headache lor is damm thick lor !