Trouble about a job after i graduate ! not that i am boasting about it ! but i having headaches about it now ... to accept the job offer given by a / to wait for vacaney in b? haiz the pay in a is higher than that of b but a is much far away than b i like the people more in b than a (not than ppl in a are bad ppl, they are also nice ppl)
waiting for jane's reply , whether their company got vacaney or not ? i dun wan at the end of the day, i got nothing ! O.o
COuntdown to christmas in DW group ! OUr team ! small Yet Powerful !
Hehe ! this is the place where i am taught a lot of stuffs
ranging from kicking off my of my bad habits of being very emotional.. they are the people who are there for me ! giving me their shoulders to cry on... other people say they are acting it out ! but i dun think so .. i can feel the warmth and love that comes from the bottom of their heart .. I love them ! I can't bear to leave them ..even if i do , i will go back one day !
they are the ones who bought me to wat i am today, other than my parents .. they are the ones who want me to break through my fear ..
i really enjoy the party ! : ) its my first countdown party that i had ! the fun and excitment will always be in my heart !
All my first time is done with them ; countdown, dancing, my first can of beer, and many many more to come ... : )
The sad thing about this industry is that people come and go very frequently ! :( this is reality ! every individuals got their own reasons to leave ! some just give up on themself ! those few months i have seen for myself.
Why i still hold on? Is because of them ! this big family ! the joy, sadness, fun, excitment that we share together ! :D
Before that, was another celebration with the black gang group at sophia's hse
reach there damm early so watching the tv...Hope karen like the present ! As it is my habit of buying photo frames as it captures the precious moments of our life ! :) that why i like to buy that ! hehe
HAd a very full dinner with u guys ! full until i really feel like vomitting lor at office there ! o.O
thanks brenda for the perfume :) i really needs it as i run out of it le ! just nice your present come along ! hehe so thoughtful of u !
Monday, December 17, 2007 '
my team ! that our small guy hehe
Discuss stategy sia! hehe
Some of the pics are taken at semina and ktv last mth ...
16 Dec 2007 - East Coast Beach I and Company had an informal gathering at east coast at 1 pm. Thought we all will be going cycling :( but didn't. but we had a small soccer match between the team. damm fun lor. i think i very useless cos i only stand there and wait for the ball to come . hehe :D. although we didn't win but its fun. I can't imagine ms regene is so tough during the game man. she scored our first goal. Woo Hoo..hehe ..we came in second in place for second.. :) next is building of the castle with no equipment lor ! die lor ! but we manage to make something out of nothing.. we called it dragon wagan.. that look like durian... i think its is creative and nice..hmm we come in second in term of creativity and ppl's votes... omg, the next game is the damm rough one lor. every team is to get their 2 toughest ppl out and then our team only got 2 guys lor 4 gals and then of course they go..but one very big the other smaller in size.. we thought size does not matter if not we sure choose the gals to go de... u will know why, if u go on reading ! this game is to : 2 toughest ppl from each team is to destroy the castle of another team...the remaining ppl is to protect their castle.. :( we so bad luck ..cos we got 2 big size guy to come destroy our castle! one is Mr mari (opps, i dun know how to spell) and another guy ! omg ! i think he got 100+ kg lor ! how to defend like that !! mi and xue ni had to stop the 100+ kg guy lor ! wow ..we 2 are like peanuts to him...he came and started swimming onto our castle ! O.O soon its gone ! and then when this game ends, we turn to look at where our 2 guy are ! u know wat happen ! they are pin down by the other team and that team's castle is still standing there! our guy didn't even manage to touch a finger on their castle and they are pinned down ! O.O damm funny when i saw each is pinned down by 2 gals who is sitting on them ! lol pro sia ! Last game is dog and bone (i think that's the name of the game) we have to grab the bottle and run back to the line without anyone touches them then win ..or the team that touches the one with the bottle.. this is also a very rough game lor ! Overall i had fun ! hehe :D of course got some injures on my head... dun know when i got the blue black one lor ..everybody is like asking mi wat happen to your head ? i was like i dun know and i was poking it lor ! not pain de lor ! and then mr zul and mr mari wanting to throw mi into the water.. actually is wanted to throw mr wen chong de but i can't remove the camera from his hand ! SHit man O.o ! hehe ..then i quickly go grab and stay close to a pillor hehe phew ! i wear contact len lor ! cannot get into water ! then after sending my sis home, i went tampines to meet the rest to go watch soccer ! the soccer is nice ! i manage to see how man u using their stategy of having rooney, ronald and one more person i dun know name running in a single line and trying to strike the goal haiz but nv strike..but b4 the half is gone , man u strike one! Mr zul was so angry , asking that guy just stand there can also strike a goal ! O.O cos he and mr mari is liverpool side ma hehe .. i although dun know soccer but i follow my leader.. Mr lincoln is Man U, i also Man u ! but in the end i feel that Man u Is a lot better than liverpool lor ! in terms of skills and it is such a unfair game.. man u keep getting all the yellow card when liverpool also didn't lor ! O.o that all for my adventure on sunday ! :D there is more to come !
Sunday, December 02, 2007 '
Xiao ZHu's concert
It is nice ! but damm short ! i think only 2 hrs finish le! then we 10 15 can go le lor ! Know wat , Rainie is such a good dancer , she shake with lots of energy and it really looks really nice! only till yesterday that i know she is a good dancer! :)
there is a part that Xiao zhu play the piano and we sing the song ! AR ! i didn't video it down ! Shit man ! that part is really really nicez !
i will upload other pics and video when i get from my frenz ! theirs damm clear cos they seated closer to the stage ! O.o
NAME: qiwei PLACE:Singapore BDAE 12/09/1987 21 AGE
Proud to be a virgoHOROSCOPE SCHOOL; SCHOOL:ACCA Workplace: PWC