Sunday, January 20, 2008 '
Went to Dw with janice and his frenz ... It is so long since i last went ... 2 weeks le ba ! O.o ... it been long since i have talked so much ... having a great time chatting with mitzi's frenz ... then wait for janice to be done ... a new group of ppl who just join also... : ) then they all like shock when see mi lor ! say i grow fatter ! ... true lor ! hehe
then after that went shopping . hehe . bought jeans, a jacket and a shirt . :D
a lot of clothes at $10 only lor ! but alot of shops are selling the same thing le ! sian ... alot of dresses also ..only $20 Plus lor .. cheap sia !
then went V8 and eat and saw the superstars lor ! O.o they all got good voice but not shuai one hehe .. they looks better on tv :P saw adriano also , he looks quite beng ...
Monday, January 14, 2008 '
had done the pfp project for the whole afternoon! very tired! but still have to do ! then go see our pfp teacher and wat he always says is "depend on your assumtions lor" ...depend is the word he like to say ! we were so fedup with him .. then wat for got the consultation ? O.o siao !
went to marina square to play bowling and watch movie... my bowling is like getting worse le ! not even a strike lor :( haiz .. and my leg very ache lor but still go and continue the game. then went for the movie , american gangster .. at first i dun know wat movie is that lor! but after watching ok lor ! not bad for the story and it is a true story .. it is about a black that manage to bring heroine from vietiam to american and it is 100% pure de ! the mastermind manage to keep it in low profile. that wat he taught his people who is her relative ... relative are able to keep it a sceret better ... but because he wear the fur clothing which cost thousands and seated at the best seat in the match , he had caught the attention of the detectives who is searching and trying to find the mastermind to the blue magic (name of the product:heroine) and ... want to know wat happen ...go see the movie ... hehe
Saturday, January 12, 2008 '

Oh ! my wu zun ! HEhe
it is such a long day for mi ! Had sch till 5pm ! then went bugis to meet SIAE's gals. Cos meow is leaving the company to study degree in mass communication. funny lor ! she take dip in a&F but she going mass communication. i think that wat she likes ba.. attentions! she a bit crazy crazy one lor ! a super great singer !
We went for dinner at the steamboat that side ! i thought there only got steamboat lor ! O.o hehe ! but at the right hand side got a chicken cultet rice with mayo, that one looks really nice lor ! next time got chance , go there try ! a lot of ppl eating that ! but we went eat wanton mee ! not very nice de lor ! so so only ..
then went Kbox at cineleisure.. that time went to the k party one for Mr lincoln's birthday one close down le lor ! o.o
we planning to sing until 3 plus in the morning till its closed de lor !
but cant! i think a lot of ppl then they chase us away at 12 plus lor ! :( sad sia
i enjoy myself so much le and i still wan to sing :'(
so we went back taking the night i know other than taxi , wat can i take after midnight le! taxi very exp lor ! we wait for the bus very long lor ! then i 2 plus then reach hm then slp lor !
and then 5 plus wake up to prepare for Nafra ... thank to my bedpad, i dun feel very tired ! only hungry hehe
haiz failed Nafra because of shutter run , the jump one and 2.4 km .. first time i keep running lor ! but still failed haiz ! waste my time !
Sunday, January 06, 2008 '
ANybody got Love is forever this song ? Can send me pls ! :)
Xiao ZHu's 我不会唱歌
我也懂 拿麥的手不能顫抖
曾握著 就能感受你比我難過
誰寫的 歌詞那麼適合放手
哭什麼 明明搞笑的
Repeat #,*