Friday, March 28, 2008 '
my peak officially start yesterday lor! works keeps coming and go and come back
haiz ... at least accounting wise, once invoice is send out to client , it is done . but tax keeps amending and revised de lor ... tired lor
and the stupid pets so lag and problematic lor ... yesterday and today got so many server check and i cant use it !
everytime around 5 plus , i will brain-dead and dun know wat i'm doing le lor ...
like today, i should write an internal memo to transfer the file to my senior and then in the end i write my name at the to column and from , my senior name ... then suddenly someone says, hi here your file .
i was like why so fast back , i thought i pass to my senior then i realise i wrote wrongly then i tell my other senior about it , she was like laughing :/
I was like down with flu these few days because i was in the rain on wed but the rain wasn't big lor ! die lor ! my immunity system very bad !
then i was feeling very cold at my desk ! normally i got my blazer on and it is gd enough le
but today i was like wearing 2 layers of clothes ... i wear a long sleeve shirt plus another jacket O.o really very cold .even go for lunch, i also nv take out
damm busy ...i think the earilest i went home is today, 6 20 plus ... cos i need to charge my 8 hrs and then my collegues always go for full 2 hrs lunch break these few days then i need to work another 1 hr then can go back haiz ... and they like eating all the gd stuffs lor ! broke sia ! but nvm today then i realise i got my pay also fast sia ... i work only 2 wk got paid lor :) I wan go home and slp ... i shouldn't have go work today lor ..should get mc ...sick some more cannot eat panadol, if not will wan slp if i eat , then my flu medicine run out le :'(
Latest i stay till 9.30 that's yesterday lor ! and i only finish 1 tax package first i thought i can finish 3 by that night but cant ... one package at least need 2 hrs de lor !
it can easily drain out our energy !
tml should be going back to office to continue my work ...
Friday, March 21, 2008 '

this is the nicest out of the many pics i taken on the first few days :p (2nd day after perming)
so happy that my coach is so funny :P
had lunch with 3 managers , scary sia
i was keeping quiet all along :/
the pressure of position was there so i cant be myself :(
they ask mi things then i ans lor if not i just eat my food
then they were like chating but very funny lor
they also cant talk about anything freely cos got mi around
my coach wan to bring mi to see the partner , i was like " huh? dun wan lah !"
then he very funny lor . by right he should tell mi about the prospects i have in the company
but he also new so he says : i also dun know wat to tell u about ! let mi consult my coach first !
i was like lol , his coach is the partner lor O.o
my previous manager say wan mi to go meet clients , i was like so fast ! O.o
shocked when she told mi that !
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 '
yesterday, nothing to do so i went home at around 540 plus like that
so reach hm before 7
very sian lor and tired
i doze off when watching tv
8 plus offically went to bed
early sia ! :P
today, ot le
my colleagues are like chasing mi hm yesterday cos they say now can no need ot , better appreciate it . when u start ot, its nv ending le ...
i ot 1.5 hr today
830 i started packing my stuffs
i do my first sourcing today ...
O.o dun know how to do lor
hard sia ! headache !
i got so many qns lor !
i dun know which are taxable which are not !
i always forget to save my work de lor ! O.o or i dun know save where
haiz actually is doing draft 2 le but i dun know where i save so i redo it again
waste my time !
those in raffles place, the coffee bean cakes are going at 50% off weekdays !
Monday, March 17, 2008 '
Today, my first day at Pwc not a VT but a perm :)
Orientation is super boring lor !
From morning till 3 pm
then went back to office
melodyee is my orientation buddy ...
wondered who is my real buddy hehe
got a change of seniors to suba and lai fong
hehe they also very nice ppl although nv work with them b4
but my frenz say suba always ot and her previous assistant dun like ot and is quiting soon so i am to replace her O.o oh no ...
my last 2 hrs, i'm doing some amendments to tax com :)
i spent alot of time doing the alightment thing lor !
just hate to do that ! and i waste alot of paper today lei :P
so paiseh when mel intro mi to all ppl in team B
very irony lor ! cos i know all of them then still have to intro again
so alot says: u looks so familiar !
lol of course lah, i was a vt ma
then some who remember mi will say : welcome back ! :)
lol saw my coach also , thought will be rafidah
but turn out to be a new manager
he is nelson , looks super friendly with his big smile on his face
mel says he is nice
:) lucky mi to be a nice coach !
work till 615 pm , ot lei lor
but i lazy to charge so troublesome lor
if ot till 830 , must send email to manager in charge
if going to ot over 830, must inform manager that morning lor
(how would ppl know they will ot that night at the beginning of the day? O.o) ???
then went eat with zi jia and shopping
8 only lor, all most all the shop are closed le lor !
then we went hm and shop another day
tomorrow will be the start of official work le !
Saturday, March 15, 2008 '
Finally, i went perm my hair
i have been talking about perming for mths le lor
:) really love it !
although its makes mi look older but i just like it
i wan to grow up :)
no longer a small gal le ...
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 '
Today went back sch
at first i thought is going back just to get a cert and i dun know wat cert also
of course got the CpA Australia talk
so sian
then got the personality test
dun feel that it is super accurate
should like have a short description from a range of scores and not the O and the 60 marks only
then there was a consultant on imaging
she is damm entertaining and funny lor
telling us some manners, dress code , walking styles, sitting styles and etc
thought of buying that book but she is gone
next time ba
then the tutors sing us a song : if we hold on together
omg ...i really like this song
i nearly burst out crying lor
i super blur and i forgot to bring my wallet out lor ! O.O
i think second time le ba !
then went home lor
i'm still thinking of whether to perm hair or not lei ! confused !
Sunday, March 09, 2008 '
its been long since i write my blog
i been busy with work at DW
feel so happy cos i like to be busy
then busy meeting frenz lor ...
out for movies , pool games etc ...
especially the pool games !
i was like laughing till my stomach super pain lor ... :/
sunday had an informal outing then we went vivo
the outside hawker got one store sells hokkien mee, carrot cake and kway teow one is nice lor and it is only $2 per plate sia
there is always laughters when i am with them
Sunday, March 02, 2008 '
Continue of yesterday
evening time went for the city harvest, FIR
i go is because of FIR and go see how big are them
really they are very big lor
i go one is at expo which is like half the indoor stadium and it is only the east area O.o
they very over doing their prayers which really loooks scary ...
at first we are seated at the last row then turn out last second as they add an row behind us
then the lady behind mi really very focus ! she really sound like a witch saying her cursing spells
O.o headache lor as she was like talking into my ears AR!!
ITs fun cos i like the mass singing and FIR hehe
i was tell phy if there is a place with mass singing , gd vocal singers and choir and the band but no religious bonded where everybody come together and sing ! how gd can it be ! (daydreaming lor)
then i saw a familier face within phy's cousin 's frenz ...
he is my father's customer 's son
he looks the same !
i dun think he realise mi ba ! phew !
maybe i change too much le ! :)
everytime , go father's shop , the aunties and uncles always ask my parents : your daughter ar ?
wow so big liao ! ...
always saying the same thing de lor !
the church is like a classroom ...everyone was jotting down wat the priest says ...
this is my 2nd time to church
my one time is during my primary sch , my cousin bought mi there
that time , i got the thoughts of change to church cos i really like the singings
that they had
but after that thinking about how troublesome it is to change and also trouble for my parents so i still choose to remain as wat i am ...
the difference between the first time and this time is that the priest at city harvest is super entertaining and humerous when he teach the bible , the ppl at city harvest super friendly !
they also do debriefing after the church lor ! O.o
Today : go karen's hse play mahjong in the end turn out go zh's hse and play
haiz i lose the most lor ! sian hehe
nvm once in a while only .. big winner is karen lor , mei also not bad
Saturday, March 01, 2008 '
The leap day : 29/2
normally, i dun think this day is special
but yesterday, i thought it is special
4 years later, will we be different ?
Ms regene was telling us 4 years b4 , their history of 3 main ppl
yesterday = us (ya a lot more than 4 years ago)
yesterday went dw and then need to do calling and coordinating
works that i have done b4 but seem like a stranger yesterday
i started sweating lor ,i am nervous :(
just 1 mth nv do those work , i feel like i am back to the person b4 i join dw
:( i dun wan
suddenly ms regene giving her talks , i started crying again
i just feel very terrible
how i long to really give up in sch
i wan trying so hard to maintain the relationship and ppl just treat mi like nothing
i always think if i didn't join dw , will everything be the same ?
i think if i didn't join and then lose the relationship with them , maybe i really cant take it ...
maybe ppl around mi are used to the mi who create no trouble , no agruments , no quarrels ...
why i am like that in the past because i feel that everyone has their choice to say something and i dun feel there is a need to argue as i just dun care lor
but now i just care about everything and now when i'm not happy about something, i will just say back and i will get ppl saying "qw attitude again ! "
i feel very sad to hear this ... nothing wrong ma
ok no more sad stuffs ...
spent my day calling (all nv ans lor, the world has all kinds of ppl)
coordinating a few (i super blur lor , alot of the procedure i didn't do :P)
ms regene doing review of the mth of feb
what the rest had done in this mth
what i have done this mth is: exam/slp/slack/eat/grow fat/games
lol everybody concluded the same thing hehe
mth of feb, there will nil moviation , no aims
one time even exams i a bit dun care le cos coursework aready not gd , no point working so hard for the exam
packing the table as
we are moving office ;)then gossiping lor lol
need to be updated with the latest news in dw :)
then went to cineleisure for sushi O.o
no more sushi these few days lor ! i wan to vomit le , after the sakae on thur with hsh
ya almost forgot, the neoprints we taken is so nice lor ! especially the one taken at the new machine with the output glittering :D
:( didnt get the one with the sexy pose cos i design de and hsh are really sexy
haiz if got scanning then gd lor at least got soft copy
thur, thought of watching movie b4 the sushi buffet starts
damm hungry after the exam then it was like 1130 only ...need to wait until 3 O.o
so time slot cant meet our time so didnt watch
so went shopping, i bought a cover heels from charles
we really eat alot at the buffet lor ! i had craving for sushi for the last 2 wk , i think auntie at cp cold storage keeps seeing mi and my sis ba and we only bought salmon sushi and nothing else
mad sia ... i am in love with wasabi
i really put alot lor
dun feel hot at all :) must continue to train some more
some day, maybe i can eat the volcane at ajisen le
after that went to pub, done some drinking and singing
we played a lot of games
and mitzi is drunk again o.o
so we stay there till 3 plus then went back
was send back hm by richie (he nv fail to send us back de ! really thankful to him)
haiz when will i own a car ?
in the past, i nv thought of having a car cos i always wanted someone to drive him so i didnt want to learn and also i very blur le , i fear that i may knock down ppl so better dun learn and i dun know the roads at all lor O.o if really got a car , need to install an device that will show mi the direction to the place i wan to go lor ..shows turn left, i turn left hehe
then reach hm around 430, i think so
bath and then slp
i was so looking forward to cycling de
haiz today wake up at 830 cos set alarm at 830
slp one 4 hrs or less
a bit tired but still ok :)
i am so thankful to the japan who invent this concept of magnetic therapy
if not, i think i will be half dead like that time in SIP
went hm at 12 plus or 1 then 6 need to wake up
i was like dozing off in the trains and also at work
lucky got all the exxon files that hid mi from view of anyone who walk past ! phew
ask brenda 1030 is at east coast or at bedok ?
i am ready by 915 , prepare to rush out of hse to cp to catch the shutter bus to east coast
then receive a call from brenda
she say : "It is cancel! "
AR ! !
then i notice sengkang here also raining le
so now super free then come write blog
i didn't tell mami that i go pub , if she know maybe she will not let mi go out le
so i say go kbox
haiz going 21 le lor ! still got so many restrictions !