Thursday, October 30, 2008 '

that's chloe ! so cute
12月23日~ 01月01日=紅色
01月02日- 01月11日=橙色
01月12日- 01月24日=黃色
01月25日- 02月03日=粉紅色
02月04日- 02月08日=藍色
02月09日- 02月18日=綠色
02月19日- 02月28日=啡色
02月29日- 03月10日=水藍色
03月11日- 03月20日=石灰色
03月21日 =黑色
03月22日- 03月31日=紫色
04月01日- 04月10日=深藍色
04月11日- 04月20日=銀色
04月21日- 04月30日=白色
05月01日- 05月14日=藍色
05月15日- 05月24日=金色
05月25日- 06月03日=奶油色
06月04日- 06月13日=灰色
06月14日- 06月23日=栗色
06月24日 =灰色
06月25日- 07月04日=紅色
07月05日- 07月14日=橙色
07月15日- 07月25日=黃色
07月26日- 08月04日=粉紅色
08月05日- 08月13日=藍色
08月14日- 08月23日=! 綠色
08月24日- 09月02日=啡色
09月03日- 09月12日=水藍色
09月13日- 09月22日=石灰色
09月23日 =黃綠色
09月24日- 10月03日=紫色
10月04日- 10月13日=深藍色
10月14日- 10月23日=銀色
10月24日- 11月11日=白色
11月12日- 11月21日=金色
11月22日- 12月01日=奶油色
12月02日- 12月11日=灰色
12月12日- 12月21日=栗色
12月22日- =黃綠色
*紅色*你的可愛十分惹人喜愛!對愛情你很揀擇但又常常在戀愛, 也喜歡被愛的感覺。你有著清新的氣質和開朗的個性, 但有些時侯也會變得'多愁善感'。 和別人相處的時侯你表現得很友善和溫柔,所以很多人願意和你親近。你喜歡跟友善和隨和的人做朋友。
*藍綠色*你最注重自己的外表。對選擇愛侶的要求甚高。你! 每每擁有清晰的頭腦去思考和解決難題,又不易犯錯。你喜歡在人群中被重視,也因此令你容易認識到新朋友。
:( hurt my leg during netball training yesterday nite !
?? dun know if i am able to play on sat ??
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 '
: ( Burned after sat, sentosa
so painful ! i dun dare to do it again !
next time i will apply lot lot of sun block
recently lot of ppl leaving my company ! 2 gone
now i know of 4 who are going to ...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 '

That Chloe ! She is damm big and very white and heavy too ! : )
Saturday, October 18, 2008 '
Shit ! my Tanning mission fail because of the stupid weather .. it's rain and its cloudy and the sun gone hiding.
so tiring ... we had freebies then follow by captain ball then netball at the beach with only 6 ppl ... really tiring ..
i cant imagine i going to play the full day of netball on 1 nov

that my tiles for winning $4.80 hehe

that snow ! SORRI its very dark . she is damm hyper lor . she make mi cry when i first saw her. she was like running around mi and barking . and then when jas ask mi to sit on the sofa , she still continue to run around mi and lay her legs on my back .. so scary lor ! she also is the one who makes mi love dogs : )
i will definitely get a dog soon ... : D
Sunday, going to my colleague's dog 's birthday :)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 '
Last sun (5 October)
Went cycling in the afternoon then go another colleague's frenz 's hse for wine appreciation. O.o i think i drank 7 or 8 glasses of wine and then i'm still ok
then went jasmine's hse for mahjong , after 1/2 round gone, i feel giddy le
the effect really come very slow. and i lose $20 lor .
i went home , taking a cab and i actually vomit twice when i was bathing. O.o it feel terrible. first time vomit sia. that was around 12 and the wine appreciation ends at 9 plus. Wine lag sia.
Fri(10 october)- Pwc away day !
meaning no work. alot of games and teambuilding stuffs
we eat the whole day lor. got breadfast , 2 tea break, lunch and dinner (buffet) O.o
then we went siew's hse for mahjong. lol her hse damm big and retro :)
play until 1 plus.
something really cool happen to mi !
I actually in one game got all the animals + one set of flowers and that game earn me $480 .
at first i started having only one set of the flower then more and more animal came along and my frenz damm shock.
then its my turn to take the very last tile b4 we end the game and i got the last rat lor ! all 3 of them was like : huh! like that also can get the last animal.
hohoho .
Pics at sentosa :)

:( no sun burn. and i'm so fair !
went with jasmine cos i wan to try roller blading.
BUT i couldn't get up . we spent some time dressing up with all the protection but end up i cant get up. sad . then i switch to cycling lor. no choice. then jasmine's 4other frenz play volleyball. mi and jasmine is there to feed the mosquites de lor. then jasmine met hui ping. i was cycling in front. and i got the habit of looking behind to see where is jas as she is roller blading. then i realise she is gone so i cycle back . there she is with hui ping hehe . jasmine 's fren 's fren is so lame lor O.o
then at night went to meet regene. we had a great talk. ;)
This sat going sentosa again but with a great teacher who know how to teach ! hehe
Sunday, October 12, 2008 '
Sunday, October 05, 2008 '

More Pictures on DnD 2008 will be uploaded...
Its was fun but we wait for food till 845 then starts
and the prizes are great man ! but didn't win any ... best is the car to be won lor !